One of the ways you see people sending out trade alerts is via a free slack channel. Slack is a social messaging application that allows businesses to communicate in real time with their developers, marketing teams and other internanal companies communiation via a long message window similar to discord. These are tools that weren’t meant for the financial industry, but can be used temporarily to send a few alerts. Altna Software is a financial services (SaaS) company that helps its customers manage their financial publishing business. Altna Financial has developed a stock trading chat room that helps its publishers stay on top of market updates by automatically sending their alerts via email, push notification via a custom mobile app, and in their live chat rooms. Here’s what you need to know about using Slack and Altna Financial’s financial chat room solution.

Why Do traders Use Slack?

In today’s fast-paced, 24/7 financial market, traders need all the help they can get to stay on top of their game. With new regulations and new products being launched every day, it’s hard for traders to know what to watch out for. That’s why so many financial institutions are turning to Slack to manage their conversations and alerts. Being able to communicate with other traders and their management in one central location helps traders stay on top of the game and avoid missing any important messages.

The Pros of Using altna software trader chatroom

Financial Trading Chatroom Software
  • Automation – Traders who use altna financial chatroom can set up popular channels to receive automatic updates on specific topics or stock symbols.
  • Education – The financial chatroom solution allows traders to get real-time education and commentary on the trading day’s action in their channels.
  • Centralized Communications – Traders can set up a separate channel for each trading strategy or investment theme they’re following. This helps traders stay organized and have focused conversations.
  • Persistent Channels – Persistent chat channels are saved in the altna cloud, so traders don’t have to worry about manually saving their messages or having to set up a separate server.

Custom branded mobile app for traders to get alerts and notifications education and commentary.

altna financial offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices that allow traders to stay on top of their trading activity, even when they’re away from their desk. The app features push notifications and a full-featured trading chatroom UI, so traders can stay on top of their charts and trade ideas with just a quick glance.


Using a software like altna’s financial chatroom solution, traders can focus more on their strategy and less on their technology. altna’s cloud-based financial chatroom software gives traders an easy way to manage their conversations, receive alerts and updates, and stay in touch with their team. With altna, there’s no need to set up a separate server or worry about saving messages. The cloud-based software solution gives traders everything they need in one place.

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