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Apple is famous for anticipating its customers’ wants. The tactic paid off. During its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) Monday, the company rolled out a new strategy: giving users exactly what they’re asking for.

Over the last year, Apple has cooked up many new things. During the event, the company showed off some of the technologies that will be on users’ devices in the months ahead. Consumers have been demanding these innovations for a long time.

We are talking about a more capable iPad operating system, huge customization options for the iOS lock screen, the welcome return of the MagSafe charger for the new MacBook Air, and the ability to edit texts in Messages.

A major change for Apple and a boon for its customers is what it all adds up to. Steve Jobs, a co-founder and former CEO of Apple, was known for shunning market research in favor of anticipating users’ needs. Apple is more mature than when Jobs ran the company. Customers know Apple better than they used to, and they are starting to know what they need before Apple does.

Making your own version of the operating system.

Everyone from heads of state to teens are affected by Apple’s 1 billion active iPhones around the world.

Even the smallest changes to the operating system are noteworthy. There is a new edit and revocation option for Messages. You will soon be able to change your texts if they have a mistake.

You will be able to get rid of sent texts. Everyone sent a bad text. You will be able to easily remove that text now. The majority of users said that the changes were good, but that they still haven’t gotten around to adding an edit option.

Users will be able to change the lock screen. This is an image of Apple.

You will be able to mark your read messages as unread by Apple. How many times have you read a text, not wanting to reply immediately, and then forgot to respond because you couldn’t see it? That is going to change with the upcoming release of the operating system.

Users have been asking for something and Apple is giving them it. The lock screen of the iPhone will be changed. This is a big change for Apple, which usually won’t let consumers dramatically alter their interface, for fear of making it unrecognizable as an Apple product.

The ability to adjust the lock screen will change that. It is not only about moving icons. You will be able to change the color of the background, add on-screenwidgets, and get real-time app updates without having to unlock your phone. It isn’t the kind of wholesale customization Apple users might want, but it is a good start.

The goods must be brought back.

When Apple introduced a new type of charging for its MacBooks, it also killed its MagSafe charging accessory that was attached to the side of the device. If you walked into your charging cable, it would detach rather than dragging your computer off your desk.

The choice to get rid of it was ridiculous. Sure, there are charging and data transfer capabilities inusb C, but why not add more ports and keep MagSafe as well? After an outcry from consumers, Apple is finally doing that with its new Macbook Air. Yes, MagSafe comes back, as well as the twousb C ports.

The MacSafe charger will be coming back. There is an image of Apple.

The MacBook Air’s design has been revised with a more contemporary look. Its edges are slightly more rounded and it is packing a larger display and aWebcam that is compatible with our new remote work world.

The iPad is becoming more useful

The iPad Pro is a replacement for a laptop. It never quite reached that goal; moving apps and dragging windows around on the iPad felt cumbersome compared to clicking and dragging a window on a Macbook.

With the latest version of iPadOS, Apple has created a potential laptop replacement. Stage Manager is a new feature on the iPad Pro that allows you to use it as a multitasking device while still using its touch capabilities.

The latest version of the iPadOS features improved multitasking features. The image is from Apple.

Stage Manager now has two app windows on top of each other like a laptop. If you don’t want them side-by-side, there’s no need to arrange them that way. Did you know that there are more apps open? You can drag them onto the main viewing area if you sit on the left side of the screen.

It is not the same as opening a window on a MacBook, but it is an upgrade for people who bought an iPad Pro and wanted to be more productive.

Consumers who have been pining for all of these features will be happy with these updates. I will be completely satisfied if Apple showed us its rumored headset.

Daniel Howley is a tech editor at Yahoo Finance Follow him.

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